What We Do:

  • Plan quarterly volunteer events for the organization

  • Coordinate with other committees (including Membership and Fair) to plan collaborative events and support additional projects

  • Partner with other organizations in New Braunfels to provide volunteers and assistance on their projects

  • Plan and host the Jaycees Wassailfest station

What We Have Done:

  • Jaycees Wassailfest Booth and Food Drive Benefitting the New Braunfels Food Bank

  • 90 Trees for 90 Years of NB Jaycees

  • Re-established New Braunfels' Wildflower Hill

  • Blue Santa Holiday Gift Drive

  • Humane Society Volunteer Day and Food Drive

Why You Want to Join:

  • Collaborate with like-minded Jaycees members

  • Have a direct hand in making a long-lasting impact on the New Braunfels community

  • Further your involvement within the Jaycees (The more you put in, the more you get out!)


Time Commitment:

  • Monthly one-hour meeting

  • Volunteer days once per quarter

  • Opportunity to commit more time by serving on sub-committee